
AL00003 – MB Fin de série

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AL00003 – MB

Item: Trilby hat
Composition: Outer 75% Hemp / 25% Cotton
Ribbon 100% Cotton

Product dimensions: Crown height 12cm
Brim Width 7cm
Ribbon width 3.8cm

As a hat designer, I have always wanted to create a trilby hat that suits everyone, regardless of age, gender, or race. After creating over 100 prototypes, I was finally able to find the ideal shape of the trilby hat that I had been looking for. We made this with the aspiration that this will be the standard for our trilby hats, and hope you enjoy its universal and timeless beauty. The creation process begins with the pattern. The pattern is made using a traditional technique known as sparterie, that can only be used by craftsmen with many years of experiences and a sharp eye for determining fine balance. The pattern is then molded into a wooden pattern by craftsmen who work for all the Haute couture maisons in Paris. Utilizing this wooden pattern, we carefully sew this item using a blade sewing machine, which carries with it a history of over 100 years.

Made by hand at the Atelier HIZUME, Paris, France.

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